Option Volatility and Pricing (2nd Edition)
作者: Sheldon Natenberg

1 Financial Contracts

Forwards, futures, options, swaps are priced based on their underlying asset. So they are commonly referred to as derivative contracts or simply derivatives.

Buying and Selling

Long and Short

Notional Value or Nominal Value

Settlement Procedures

Depends on the rules of the exchange and the type of contract traded.

2 Forward Pricing

forward price = current cash price + cost of buying now - benefits of buying now

Basis: the difference between the cash price and the forward price. Usually a negative number.

Instrument Cost of Buying Now Benefits of Buying Now
Physical commodity Interest on cash price, storage costs, insurace costs Convenience yield
Stock Interest on stock price Dividends, interests on dividends
Bonds and notes Interest on bond or note price Coupon payments, interest on coupon payments
Foreign currency Interest cost of borrowing the demestic currency Interest earned on the foreign currency

Physical Commodities

C = commodity price
t = time to maturity of the forward contract
r = interest rate
s = annual storage costs per commodity unit
i = annual insurace costs per commodity unit

forward price F = C x (1 + r x t) + (s x t) + (i x t)


S = stock price
t = time to maturity of the forward contract
r = interest rate over the life of the forward contract
d[i] = each dividend payment expected prior to maturity
t[i] = time remaining to maturity after each dividend payment
r[i] = the applicable interest rate (forward rate) from each dividend payment to maturity

F = S + (S x r x t) - [d[1] x (1 + r[1] x t[1])] - ... - [d[n] x (1 + r[n] x t[n])]
    S x (1+ r x t) - SUM[d[i] x (1 + r[i] x t[i])]

Bonds and Notes

B = bond price
t = time to maturity of the forward contract
r = interest rate over the life of the forward contract
c[i] = each coupon expected prior to maturity
t[i] = time remaining to maturity after each coupon payment
r[i] = applicable interest rate from each coupon payment to maturity

F = B x (1 + r x t) - SUM[c[i] x (1 + r[i] x t[i])]

Foreign Currencies

C[d] = domestic currency
r[d] = domestic interest rate
C[f] = foreign currency
r[f] = foreign interest rate
t = time to maturity
S = C[d] / C[f] = spot exchange rate

F = [C[d] x (1 + r[d] x t)] / [C[f] x (1 + r[f] x t)]
  = S x (1 + r[d] x t) / (1 + r[f] x t)

Stock and Futures Options

Two most common classes of exchange traded options. Value of the option depends on forward price for the stock or futures. Forward price for a futures contract is the futures price.


Short Sales

3 Contract Specifications and Option Terminology

Contract Specifications



Exercise Price or Strike Price

Exercise and Assignment

The buyer of a call or a put option has the right to exercise that option prior to its expiration, converting the option into a long underlying position (call) or short underlying position (put).

Exchange choose randomly someone who has sold the option and has not closed out:


Exercise Style

Option Price Components

Option price (or premium) is determined by supply and demand. Has 2 components:

Option Margining

4 Expiration Profit and Loss

Option is worth exactly its intrinsic value at expiration.

Parity Graphs

A parity graph represents the value of an option position at expiration. Parity being another name for intrinsic value. The 4 basic parity graphs are often referred to as hockey-stick diagrams.

Long call position value:


Short call position value:


Long put position value:


Short put position value:


Long call and long put at the same exercise price position value (the parity graph is identical to long two calls and short an underlying position):


Long call and short put at the same exercise price position value (the parity graph is identical to a long underlying position):


Expiration Profit and Loss

Long 100 call (at price 3.50) position value:


Short put 95 (at price 2.25) position value:


5 Theoretical Pricing Models

The concept of speed is crucial in trading options. Indeed, many option strategies depend only on the speed of the underlying market and not at all on its direction.

The Importance of Probability

Expected Value and Theoretical Value

A Simple Approach

The Black-Scholes Model

Model Input 1: Exercise Price

Model Input 2: Time to Expiration

Model Input 3: Underlying Price

Model Input 4: Interest Rates

Model Input 5: Volatility

6 Volatility

Random Walks and Normal Distributions

Mean and Standard Deviation

Scaling Volatility for Time

Volatility and Observed Price Changes

Lognormal Distributions

Interpreting Volatility Data

Realized Volatility

Implied Volatility

7 Risk Measurement I

The Delta (Δ)

Rate of Change



Hedge Ratio

Theoretical or Equivalent Underlying Position


The Gamma (Γ)

The Theta (Ï´)



The Vega

The Rho

Interpreting the Risk Measures


8 Dynamic Hedging

9 Risk Measurement II







Lambda (Λ)




10 Introduction to Spreading

Option Spreads

11 Volatility Spreads





Ratio Spread

Calendar Spread

Christmas Tree

Time Butterfly

Characteristics Summary




12 Bull and Bear Spreads

Naked Positions

Bull and Bear Ratio Spreads

Bull and Bear Butterfly and Calendar Spreads

Vertical Spreads

13 Risk Considerations

Volatility Risk